Were the truth really to be told - and I'm fairly certain no one close to the man will EVER admit it - I don't think you could find one single person (including the candidate himself) who thought he had a snowball's chance in hell to win the election. Perhaps his obsession with numbers is a cry for someone to wake him up out of this nightmare that is quickly turning into the not funny version of "Groundhog Day." I know. Wishful thinking.
As Democrats or Independents or Third Party-ers - the ones who have the most to gain - we must stay ever vigilant to support the media in their efforts to ferret out the truth. Perhaps journalists should adopt the Harry Potter approach of "He Who Must Not Be Named" when it comes to the very over-used term, "fake news." Repeating that phrase only gives it more power - whether it be to a television audience or when asking a question at the White House. Could it be that the rabid spreading of this sad, childish taunt is playing directly into his tiny orange hands?
It's become clear that he craves the adulation of those who can't (or won't) see that he is still just a rich bully who has no trouble giving them what they want. Conversely, he doesn't give two shits about what his supporters need. really need.
The Republicans, who have much to lose, need to wake the hell up and right their already right leaning ship (😜) or their party could experience catastrophic atrophy, perhaps even death. I read recently that many representatives (maybe senators, too) are cancelling upcoming town hall meetings, ostensibly to avoid angry constituents. Do they really think that will send a positive message or gain the respect/votes they need to stay in office? Rumor has it that our representatives in Washington were elected so that OUR voices can be heard. OUR values, OUR concerns, OUR livelihoods. It's been a pathetically long time since I've seen or heard my fellow Kansans in Washington put their money where their mouths are.
Actually, it's not the political parties that stand to gain (or lose) the most. It's US. You and me, and our neighbors and co-workers who should be at the forefront of the gain/lose equation. And, based on my newsfeed on Facebook, there is no shortage of petitions to sign, rallies to attend. It can be overwhelming with all the things that are - apparently - about to disappear from our American bubble. I know that, for me, inaction just leads to an unhealthy daily dose of CNN and reading lots of articles from a variety of news outlets. I may feel more informed, but I'm not doing anything constructive with that information (unless you consider blasting facts and non-stop "can you believe this crap" stories at my family the second they step foot inside as constructive. I assure you, they do not find it helpful OR endearing).
It has been only 29 days since the inauguration. It feels like three years. In the manic comedy of Cheri O'Teri, everyone needs to simmer down. Take the pot of lies, innuendos and unknowns off the front burner. I'm not saying the media doesn't need to stay vigilant. No, that's more important than ever. Everyone now has a clear understanding that the man lies. He lies about the lies. He lies about the lies he's lied about.
The numbers are important to only him. Everyone who's within shouting distance of a TV knows that he's prone (that's a very tepid evaluation, I know) to exaggeration. Let him play in the corner with his number fantasies. Journalists, get back to reporting substantive news. There are crises in the world that need media coverage. The small "I can't believe he just said that" stuff is detracting from issues that don't deserve to be covered in just the last few seconds of a newshour. The absurdities and minutiae are whipping us into a futile frenzy. Ok. Maybe it's just me that's getting whipped. But I kind of doubt it.
I don't think anyone needs more evidence that he's a pathological liar. Quit giving them life by airing them.
No air, no life.
In the words of my second favorite president, Josiah Bartlet...what's next?